Suzanne Treister "ALCHEMY/USA Today" July 17th, 2007
It's difficult to know where to begin when talking about the divinely dexterous Suzanne Treister. A multimedia artist interested in exploring (and skewering) potential connections between the occult and world affairs, she attacks her fascinations with panache. Her obsessively detailed ink drawings, currently on view at PPOW Gallery, reconfigure newspaper articles into alchemical diagrams. She is also the mastermind behind the HEXEN 2039 project, in which her quasi-fictional time-travelling alter-ego, Rosalind Brodsky, constructs elaborate conspiracy theories regarding "occult groups, Chernobyl, witchcraft, the US film industry, British Intelligence agencies, Soviet brainwashing, behaviour control experiments of the US Army and recent practices of its Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command (PSYOP), in light of alarming new research in contemporary neuroscience..." You can view bits of this piece online, though I am praying it comes to New York someday soon.
Holy Moly, I get get enough!!!
Posted by: Lavona | April 16, 2008 at 07:53 PM
What an astonishment! Her enormous gallery of newspapers presented as alchemical diagrams makes me long for a daily subscription! Thank you, once again, for showcasing amazing talent!
Posted by: Craig | April 17, 2008 at 02:10 AM
So glad you both like! It looks like the book version of Hexen 2039 is available at Amazon... I may need to splurge on that.
Posted by: Pam | April 17, 2008 at 05:05 PM